Signatures of the declaration

Who is joining the movement?


0  signatures

Total number of signatures per country

Location of the signatories

Welcome to the VITAEVINO campaign’s signature page, where we celebrate the voices of individuals committed to defending the rich heritage of wine in Europe.

The map shows the number of supporters that in each country are standing up for the preservation of wine culture, advocating for the vital role of wine in rural economies, and affirming the importance of moderate wine consumption as part of a balanced lifestyle.

You can explore below the growing list of allies and join us in ensuring that wine continues to be part of our lives.

The list only shows the details of those that have accepted for their name to be displayed.

Signature n° : 11061
Name : Vera Sira
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Madrid, Spain
Signature n° : 11060
Name : Holgado Esperanza
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Toledo, Spain
Signature n° : 11059
Name : Valdivia aguilar Pablo
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Cochabamba, Bolivia
Signature n° : 11058
Name : Pérez Félix
Affiliation : Political representative
Country : Barcelona, Spain
Signature n° : 11057
Name : Schimpf Katya
Affiliation : Wine workers
Country : Crespo, Argentina
Signature n° : 11056
Name : Lang Iris
Affiliation : Others
Country : Brackenheim, Germany
Signature n° : 11055
Name : Martinez pañeda Javier
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Gijon, Spain
Signature n° : 11054
Name : Wolf Cornelia
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Leingarten, Germany
Signature n° : 11053
Name : Clemente Gioconda
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Segovia, Spain
Signature n° : 11052
Name : Gómez díez Ricardo
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Madrid, Spain
Signature n° : 11051
Name : Eberwein Petra
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Nordheim, Germany
Signature n° : 11050
Name : Gonçalves Filipe
Affiliation : Wine workers
Country : Porto, Portugal
Signature n° : 11049
Name : Schoch Steffen
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Heilbronn, Germany
Signature n° : 11048
Name : Blatt Eberhard
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Brackenheim, Dominica
Signature n° : 11047
Name : Padrol bagés Esther
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Cubelles, Spain
Signature n° : 11046
Name : Passadore Andrés
Affiliation : Wine workers
Country : Canelones, Uruguay
Signature n° : 11045
Name : Sutschu Klaus
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Ilsfeld, Germany
Signature n° : 11044
Name : García landete Sergio
Affiliation : Wine workers
Country : Albacete, Spain
Signature n° : 11043
Name : Arteaga Andrés
Affiliation : Others
Country : Madrid, Spain
Signature n° : 11042
Name : Contreras Andreina
Affiliation : Wine lovers
Country : Montilla, Spain